Conditions We Treat

It is never too early to start physiotherapy. An early start helps to identify problems before they become habits which are more difficult to change.

Early assessment and therapy will help to establish the best possible patterns of posture and movement for the future.

Family Physio treats a broad range of mild to severe conditions. Below are some examples:

Babies with –
• Birth injuries
• Brain and head injuries
• Chromosomal disorders
• Congenital conditions
• Developmental delay – delay in motor milestones eg. Late to roll, crawl, sit etc
• Erbs palsy – obstetric Brachial Plexus injury
• Foot problems including positional talipes
• Genetic disorders / syndromes – such as Down’s Syndrome – resulting in motor difficulties
• Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE)
• Neurological conditions & disorders – such as Cerebral Palsy
• Orthopaedic problems
• Paediatric trauma
• Plagiocephaly (Flat head)
• Post neonatal care
• Prematurity
• Rehabilitation following fracture or injury
• Rehabilitation post orthopaedic and neurological surgery
• Special needs
• Torticollis – head tilted and neck twisted/ habitual looking to one side

This list is not exclusive – please ask to see if we can help with anything else not listed here

Children, teenagers and young people with –
• Acquired brain injury
• Abnormal gait (walking) patterns including asymmetry, tip toe walking & flat feet
• Balance & coordination difficulties
• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
• Coordination difficulties – including developmental coordination disorder
• Cerebral palsy – including pre & post Spinal Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR)
• Chronic fatigue
• Cystic fibrosis
• Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)
• Dyspraxia – difficulty organising & sequencing movements
• Global developmental delay
• Genetic conditions / syndromes
• Hypermobility
• Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA)
• Late development of motor milestones eg. Sitting, standing, walking, jumping & balance issues
• Muscle weakness
• Neuromuscular conditions
• Orthopaedic conditions
• Poor stamina and muscle strength as a result of an illness or immobility
• Post fracture rehabilitation
• Scoliosis (spine curvature)

This list is not exclusive – please ask to see if we can help with anything else not listed here

Family Physio

For further information about Family Physio or to book an appointment, please contact us.