What To Expect

What should I expect on my first visit?
Your initial assessment will last approximately 45 minutes to an hour. Your physiotherapist will ask you and your child questions in relation to medical history and current presentation. They will then be examined thoroughly, with the aim to diagnose (if appropriate) and formulate a treatment plan.

This will include informing you what we, as physiotherapists, can do to help you and also what you can do to help your child. We will try to give you an idea of how often your child will require treatment and the progress we would expect them to make.

For the assessment, children should wear suitable clothing eg. T-shirt and shorts/leggings to allow for free movement in order for an effective assessment to be carried out. We may ask for your baby to be undressed down to their nappy because clothing can often hide what is going on.

Family Physio prides itself on its flexible approach to therapy in order to meet the needs of the child and is constantly working in collaboration with parents, carers, other health professionals & educational staff as required.

You will always have the opportunity to discuss any concerns or questions you may have.

Children generally receive advice and physiotherapy programmes tailored to their specific needs that can then be worked on at home with the parents and/or carers.

Programmes can also be provided for the child’s school or nursery as required.

How long do the therapy sessions last?
Follow up treatment sessions will last from 45 minutes to 1 hour. This will provide appropriate time for review, treatment and full explanations. You will also have the opportunity to ask your own questions.

You (and your child, depending on their age and understanding) will be asked to sign an agreement/consent form prior to the initial assessment, agreeing that you understand what is involved in the assessment. You will also be asked for signed consent for on-going therapy. Any changes to therapy input will also require consent.

It is important that you understand what is involved in the therapy sessions in order to be able to give your consent. If you are unsure then please ask.

Your child should be accompanied by an adult who can legally consent to their treatment.

Family Physio

For further information about Family Physio or to book an appointment, please contact us.